
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation Expansion

Created by Greater Than Games

This new expansion to the hit cooperative comic book card game Sentinels of the Multiverse explores the heroes, villains, and environments of the Multiverse — those who travel through it, those who have been touched by its vast impossibilities, and those who would seek to destroy it!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update a day early! Gen Con this week! Non-Disparation stuff shipping soon!
10 months ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 06:58:52 AM

Good morning, everyone!

I'm about to drive from St. Louis (where GTG is headquartered) to Indianapolis for the biggest North American tabletop game convention: Gen Con! As a result, rather than attempting to post this update at its regularly scheduled time tomorrow, I'm giving myself the stress-reducing gift of posting this update early. You're welcome, self! And you're welcome to all of you who also enjoy an early update! Everybody wins!

A question from last month's update!

An excellent question, PDA! Shipping of the non-new content is schedule to begin shipping later this month! So, that process is unlikely to be done before next month's regularly schedule update, but it should be at least started by then! Meaning, in next month's update, I should be able to give you even more details about specifically how that process is going. Important take away: please update your address with us now! I mean, you don't have to if you didn't order any non-new content, but it never hurts to make sure we have the right address on file for you. You should be able to check and update your address entirely through BackerKit, but if you have any questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to e-mail us at [email protected]!

OK, I gotta go do Gen Con stuff, but I can't go without at least a little bit o' reveals! How about a card from two different Hero decks:

Enjoy! Talk to you all again soon! (See some of you later this week! Very much looking forward to it!)


Independence! Reveals a plenty!
11 months ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 06:24:55 AM

Good mornings, Sentinels!

In honor of Independence Day, we're starting out with a most patriotic reveal: one of the most interesting Disparation Hero Variants!

Speaking of Legacy, the playtesters recommended I show off lots of Legacy appearances on cards in this set... but there are comparatively few! Legacy is one of the less frequently appearing heroes in Disparation stories, other than many Legacy art cameos I have already revealed over the course of this campaign. However, I was able to come up with a hero card, a villain card, and an environment card that fit the bill.

From Omnitron-X's Hero deck:

Protect that Legacy!

From Iron Legacy's Villain deck:

Oooh, patriotic! 😬

And from the Silver Gulch, 1883 Environment deck:

Legacy's gotta get rid of that explosive wagon!

I like all these Legacy-related (or at least Legacy-related) reveals, but I want to show off even more! Let's take a look at one more card from each of those three decks that relates to the above reveals.

Another Omnitron-X card:

There are three different plating cards in Omnitron-X's deck, each with more than 1 copy, so what's a robot hero to do with extra plating cards? Well, you can hot-swap them in response to incoming damage, and you can also toss them for outgoing damage! Pretty cool, right?

From Iron Legacy's deck:

Iron Legacy's deck has a bunch of very powerful and punishing Ongoing cards, such as Galvanized seen above. But he's gotta have ways of getting more! Fortunately for him (and unfortunately for the heroes), he's got cards like Heroic Termination to help him out.

Finally, from the Silver Gulch, 1883 deck:

The lawman is back! He's rarin' to go, and he's on the heroes' side! As for his relation to the Explosives Wagon... well, he can hide behind it. That's about it. It's a bad thing to hide behind, but you take what you can get when you're looking for cover.

Thanks for reading, everyone! I'll see you all in a month!

And remember: keep on saving the Multiverse!


It's June! Things continue to move along!
12 months ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 07:39:48 AM

Hey, folks!

I’m actually traveling right now, so just a quick update to say that everything is on track, and that I owe you some reveals since this update is so light. So! Next month’s update will have more reveals, for sure! Other than that, know that Disparation is still moving right along! There’s much more work to be done, but it’s happening and we’re confident in both the product that we’re making here, as well as our ability to deliver it on time. 

Keep on saving the Multiverse!


Preorders soon, but not yet! So: some cards!
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 10:47:46 AM

Good afternoon, Sentinels!

I was hoping that, by now, the preorder store would be open here... but it's not quite yet! I think there are still some more "i"s that need to be crossed and "t"s that need to be dotted on our end. We're working on it! Soon™!

While you wait for that, I'm excited to show off some cards that I had to keep under wraps. Since the heroes Darkstrife and Painstake weren't revealed until late in the campaign, I had to keep them under wraps until after those reveals... but now, you learn that they were lurking in Grimm's deck as well!

There was also a request for more Painstake art, as well as different costumes, so here's a little something along those lines:

Also, someone wanted more Nightmares? An odd request to be sure:

Finally, another Variant card, since those are always popular.

See you next month for more info, more reveals, and probably more weirdness along the way!


End of Campaign!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 07:49:29 AM


I, uh, thought this campaign was scheduled to end this afternoon? I recall scheduling it to end April 6th around 2 PM… but I’m guessing something got flipped somewhere and that became 2 AM! Very well! It’s over!

And WOW! What a campaign! This campaign was an incredible success! Over $450k and well over 5000 backers?! Stunning! Thrilling! Thank you all so much!

Rather than putting a Q&A at the end of this update, the important Q that I’ve seen and deserves a speedy A is “how do I join in on this, now that the campaign is over?” Good news! We’ll definitely have a post-campaign option for late backers, just like we always do. We have to wrap up some campaign stuff with BackerKit to finalize things, and then we’ll be able to launch the post-campaign preorder store — I’m guessing we’ll have that up in a week or two. If you’re interested in that, click the “Follow” button on the main page:

That’ll make sure you get alerted about any updates, and we’ll definitely post an update when the store is up, as well as at the start of every month to let you know how things are going!

My plan was to reveal a few variants this morning before the end of the campaign… and I see no reason why I shouldn’t still do so!


As you might have guessed, each of the heroes in this set come with a First Appearance Variant:

They also each have two more variants besides their First Appearance, some from this reality, and some from other realities…

There are also a number of variants for heroes from the Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition core game. Any from other realities use the “portal” template! (But they're not ALL from other realities...)

Oh, and because this set has Iron Legacy in it, it also features all six variants for the Freedom Six!

They seem nice! Hope nothing bad happens to them!

(Yeesh, what a note to go out on.)

Thanks again to all of you! Keep on saving the Multiverse!
